Sunday, July 17, 2005

Carol models our new laundry room/Garage!

We need to take a better picture- it's not really all crooked, and the floor is painted nicely. The backsplash and a few tile details (like kick panels) are not yet done, but we're pretty excited.

next, the bathroom :-)

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Monday, July 11, 2005

Zachary is FOUR!

Today is Zack's fourth birthday. I cannot believe our "baby" has grown up so much! We had a very nice birthday party yesterday, and several of his friends came. The kids made "monster" puppets and played a blindfolded "make a monster" game. Then we swam and ate cake. It was a good party! Also, he received a lot of really great presents!

Carol's edible work of art - Blooregard Q. Kazoo - before it got messed up. Posted by Picasa

Reuben and Sarah liked the water and boats toy. Posted by Picasa

Siena likes her new dollhouse, courtesy of Nathan. Posted by Picasa

Reuben puts together a very nice monster. Posted by Picasa

Getting a deep breath to blow out the candles. Posted by Picasa

Zack has a new "stomp rocket" set and "Fosters" t-shirt. Posted by Picasa

Zack's friends getting cake. Posted by Picasa

Zack waiting for his birthday cake. Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, July 05, 2005


Richard and Judy are here visiting. Siena and Zack are going to camps. Time is flying by this summer!

The Langstons Posted by Picasa

Siena digs it at Half Moon Bay! (Digs it! Get it?!) Posted by Picasa

The eclectic collection of flowers in my new garden plot. Posted by Picasa

My little potted garden by the front door. Posted by Picasa

An orange rose so pretty I had to put it in a vase. Posted by Picasa

Judy, Rich, and Siena like my corney jokes. Posted by Picasa

Siena poses with some of her guy-friends at her pool party. Posted by Picasa

Siena and Zack built a big brick wall in the alley.  Posted by Picasa