Saturday, March 05, 2005

Day 7- traveling to Auckland

We took a 45 minute flight to Auckland this morning. We thought about driving, but it would have taken all day to drive up here and we have lots of driving ahead of us.

So today was the day- we rented a car at the airport and I drove into Auckland. Driving on the wrong side of the road is quite a trick, but I have been a passenger in many countries where they drive "wrong" before. The confusing part is the traffic circles, which are extensively used instead of traffic lights. It's like DC, but they are all two lanes and they go the other way.

So far, we haven't hit anything. However, I have a strong tendency to drift over to the shoulder for some reason. Right hand turns are also fun. Remember- "It's a right. That's like a left. I have to end up in the far lane, not the closer one with cars pointing at me."

We looked around the city for a while- pictures are here. We're coming back here for another night later on, and we'll try to hit the other highlights then. Tomorrow, we're off to the northland and the countryside. I'll be diving at Poor Knights Island on Monday. YEAH!
