Saturday, January 12, 2008

Goodbye, Gamorrah

Today Gamorrah is going away for good. And this is such a weird feeling. Her whole life she was lovable in her annoying way. She was sweet and loving, but was such a pest about it. You'd pet her, she'd nip your hand. You'd walk across the room, she'd jump in front of your feet so that you'd have to trip over her. Then she'd give her short angry yelp of indignation. But, sometimes she'd just purr and purr when given attention. She loved us. We would joke around with her. She'd take any attention she could get- good or bad- and revel in it. Poor, silly Gamorrah. Sweet little runt. We do miss you. But it was clearly your time to go. Say hello to Filmore for us. You and your brother can be together again.